Nice to meet you. I'm Autumn

من  این فیلم رو چندین بار نگاه کردم. توو ژانر خودش فیلم خیلی خوبیه و اینکه با  نقش اول فیلم "تام" همزاد پنداری میکنم. توو این پست تمرکزم فقط و فقط به یک دیالوگهدیالوگه شیرین و امید دهنده ایه برای شخص بنده...

My name's Tom -

Nice to meet you. I'm Autumn +

و ترک تیتراژ پایانی عه فیلم که میگه

She 's got you high and you don't even know yet #


So i get my period time to time. and here it is !

i just had sex

I just had sex... In my dream !

it was WOW. Tasteful.

 ORGY. 4some.

unfortunately i didn't cum :|

Fuck Life

 i'm in pain. pain pain pain. muthafucka pain. and they say have hope. fuck hope. fuck life

Dead Inside

I don't talk. I don't laugh. I don't go out. I don't connect with people. I guess i'm dead inside.

What happend

- I was so happy, free... but then sadness began to start and growing up !

+ So, what happend ?

- Life. Life Happend. Yeah !